
Welcome to RVMI, the Robotics, Vision and Machine Intelligence lab. We are located at the Copenhagen campus of Aalborg University. We are a part of the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.

See our latest research developments on our youtube channel.

RVMI is currently involved in the H2020 project SCALABLE. Read more on the project website.

RVMI involved in new master education in “Autonomous Systems” offered in AAU Copenhagen

Imagine fleets of smart robots that collaborate in manufacturing facilities, advanced warehouse logistics solutions such as the Amazon warehouses, crew-less cargo ships, smart grids, or interconnected smart home appliances. Those are just a few examples of what we call autonomous systems.

The Master’s programme in Autonomous Systems aims at providing graduates with competences to solve complex problems related to the design and deployment of autonomous systems, exploiting the latest advances in artificial intelligence, big data analysis, digitization, sensing, optimisation, information technologies, and systems engineering. The program has been developed to build both theoretical understanding and practical experience of students, applicable to Industry 4.0, robotics and autonomous logistics, among other application areas.

Find more at: http://www.en.aau.dk/education/master/autonomous-systems

Our final STAMINA test sprint in January was highly successful. The results will be published as soon as possible. Here is a video:


Our STAMINA robot prototype for the upcoming test-sprint: A joint work between all STAMINA partners. Please find more information as a keynote slide set or as a pdf.

