Francesco Rovida

Francesco Rovida is a PostDoc with the Robotics, Vision and Machine Intelligence Lab (RVMI) at the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Aalborg University Copenhagen. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science Engineering (2011), a Master’s degree in Robotic Engineering (2013) from the University of Genoa (Italy) and a PhD in Agile Industrial Robotics (2017) from Aalborg University. He did his Master’s thesis at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT, Genoa, Italy) on the development of an active head with motion compensation for the Hydraulic Quadruped (HyQ) robot and his bachelor thesis again at IIT on the comparison of network operations between two middleware for robotics, ROS and YARP.

The PhD and the current research is about knowledge modelling for advanced industrial robotic systems, intuitive mechanisms for high-level robot programming through skills, task planning and integration of task planning and execution.

He is the main developer of the Skill-based framework for ROS (SkiROS). The first version of it, developed during for the FP7 project STAMINA, is available open-source at this link. The RVMI group is currently working on an enhanced version financed by the H2020 project SCALABLE.